Tapmydata: building trust and transparency between individuals and organisations

5 min readDec 19, 2020

As the internet exploded, there was a constant increase in data. So what is data? In a nutshell, the data includes facts that reflect reality. An excellent classification of important propositions in practice are the measures or observations of a variable quantity. These statements can include numbers, words, or pictures. But do we really have the right to keep our personal data? Tapmydata was born to solve that problem.


“Powered by end-to-end-encryption and blockchain technology Tap helps empower the individual to take control of their data, and builds a personal data store for them to manage this. At the same time, the Tap platform helps organisations communicate and respond directly to their customers; de-risking and managing the data that they hold.”

Over the years. Tapmydata has continuously developed to bring the best quality product to users. Tapmydata is based on blockchain technology. But why blockchain? To put it simply, a blockchain is digital ledger that records transactions, or anything else for that matter, permanently. You can’t change or remove anything you record in it. It’s helpful to understand a blockchain as a book (a bit like the one below) where records of transactions are recorded, where everyone can see them and the transactions can’t be erased or tampered with. Of course, there’s more to it than that, and Blockchain technology is pretty deep. Like the article title, Tapmydata wants to rely on blockchain technology to build trust and transparency between individuals and organizations.

TAP Token

Currently, issues around data value, privacy, and security stem from the original design of the digital marketplace — central silos, bad actors and bots — Web 3 was born to solve those problems. For a year and a half, the Tapmydata team has built tools for people to take back control of their data and companies to rebuild trust, with Privacy by Design, and Blockchain keeping score. Thousands of people, and hundreds of organisations already use Tapmydata’s technology.

Tapmydata now launching our decentralized personal data protocol and TAP token to break the old cycle of data abuse. Each user can manage their own digital identity, mint NFT’s (Non-Fungible Tokens) of Blockchain Verified Consent and license this for use across the web, receiving value (ERC20 tokens) from organisations.

If you’re a new, or existing user of the Tapmydata mobile app, you use it in the same way to request data, add personal credentials and ID, and store this in your secure wallet. Tapmydata have no access to any of the keys or data.

Tapmydata creating the building blocks for people to play a new role with their commercially-valuable data, where they’re in the driving seat. Rather than see ads for something I bought last week, I can let companies know I’m in the market now to buy a kettle, hardware wallet or an insurance policy. Advertisers can buy these consent artefacts at scale, incentivising users with tokens.


Token Name: Tapmydata

Token Ticker: TAP

Token Type: ERC20

Initial Supply: 100,000,000

Maximum Supply: 100,000,000

TAP Release Schedule

Data Revolution

“Technology has driven a data explosion and vast fortunes have been made monetising your data. Respect for peoples’ privacy has been lost, and it’s time for a reckoning. Ask questions, take back your data, don’t sell yourself short!”

“They trust me, dumb f — ks!” This is a quote by Mark Zuckerberg in 2004. This is still completely true until now when Facebook often gets involved in controversy around selling information of users to third parties to make money. But not only Facebook, but many other companies are also taking our data to enrich a certain interest group. This is not acceptable.

But today with the advent of Tapmydata, that pain may be the past, of today people by owning their personal information, keeping their privacy secure and through their own knowledge. have control over their data and are not easily sold out, and through data personalization offers reservations for those who are violating information rights and access rights. The platform also allows its audience to formulate questions, through the responses provided, they get back the data that belongs to them, and at the same time they understand the value of their data, that way they cannot under-sell or sell.


Tapmydata’s leadership team is experienced in establishing, developing, and developing businesses within a technology domain. Their experts bring together their skills to bring new ideas from conception through MVP to delivery quickly.


I believe Tapmydata is on the right track. Everything their team has done over the past 18 months gives us the right to look forward to the development of the project. Since the core of the project is towards the user’s data rights, the transparency between the organization and the individual in the matter of data. A problem facing many difficulties today.

A sponsored article written for a bounty reward.

Social Channels

Blog: https://tapmydata.com/blog/

Telegram: https://t.me/tapmydataofficial

Discord: https://discord.com/channels/766328006909755443/766328006909755446

Twitter: https://twitter.com/tapmydata

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/tapmydata

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3yW8fOGqsMIx5sd3ZXmvYw

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tapmydata_/

Github: https://github.com/tapmydata


Bounty0x Username: @claywong

ETH Wallet Address: 0xB3C1777bBFf1E30141D33Cd8518581C5bB10bd06

